Addiction Treatment Services in Sedona Arizona

Most of us are dually-addicted. A compulsion is an uncontrollable yet indefinable urge to use a substance, person, place or thing to cover up the need to get to the bottom of what drives this behavior. Our addiction recovery program has a life history profile — questions which must be answered to allow our experienced team of professional therapists to discover these compulsions—which is designed to bring what drives such behavior to the surface.

Conquer Addictions, Tendencies, Urges and Obsessions

Although one addiction may be more destructive than another, the Sedona Intensive program determines how untreated symptoms can become more problematic later on. For instance, someone who has a tendency to abuse food may one day end up obese and angry and full of rage at a deep level. There are other obsessions like overspending, sexual addiction, excessive travel, as well as other carefully camouflaged urges, that can be self destructive.

Seek out Personal Growth and Empowerment

Whether a client comes for addiction and complusion recovery or to seek out personal growth and empowerment, all recovery program graduates work with a licensed practitioner for 12 weeks of AfterCare for each week of attendance at the Sedona Intensive.

Turn Demons into Assets with our Unique 5-Day Recovery Program

It is the seemingly innocent urge or compulsion that often times becomes the giant block to one’s happiness and sense of joy in life. Through our one on one life coaching therapy you’ll recover from your addictions and compulsions, and those demons that once chased you will turn into assets that now free you.

Create a life of happiness and joy. Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation with Albert Clayton Gaulden to see if The Sedona Intensive programs are right for you. Call us at (928) 301-0780 - We can help!