

You are always reading insights about you as well as what’s up with people and causes that we wholeheartedly support. But time to time people ask about who I am and how I feel about a lot of things that they have to deal with in their own lives. We will make changes to the photos and pictures every few months, so you will have bits and pieces about my take on me and what I value or what I know not to be true for me. I hope you enjoy the open door to me and my character. — Albert Gaulden

“Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime, and, departing,
leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time.”

–Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Enjoy the Sagittarius Newsletter for 2016!

The Signs of the Time–These are exciting times. It has been ages since we have found ourselves with the opportunity to live in Acceptance. Many people are in turmoil over the outcome of the recent election for President of the United States. What is more important than stewing over your candidate losing the election? Change you to change the world you touch.

In my sensibility we are all part of the collective that creates the world we live in. Thought impressions are as powerful as words we speak and deeds we do. A wise man in Sedona likes to say “your enemy teaches you more than your friend.” Many times I have sensed that when I think something positive or negative I get what I have created in the theaters of my mind.

I used to spend like I was a richer man. Then someone who worked with me told me to stop throwing my credit card at every whim. Because of him and the scripture, “The love of money is the root of all evil,” I no longer let the temptation of Supra ego’s pleasure chest trap me as it used to do. It is also helpful to remember that receive to share. One of my Kabbalah geniuses reminded me daily, “Receive the light to share.” He constantly told me to ask three people a day, “What can I do for you?”

The red hot news for this solar cycle is that Mercury goes retrograde on December 19 at 15 degrees of Capricorn until January 8, 2017. Since the Christmas Holidays and New Year’s Eve will be affected, you might want to spend less and keep celebrations down to a mild roar. Cosmic reminder: anything that could go wrong will. Don’t sign papers, buy or sell a house. If you are traveling during those dates, save room for delays and miscues.

The inauguration of President Donald Trump will be on January 20. Inauguration day all aspects look strong and positive.

There is a New Moon at 07 degrees of Sagittarius on November 29. A New Moon represents new beginnings especially for Sagittarians as well as Leos and Aries; Air Signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarians will benefit as well.  There is a Full Moon at 22 degrees of Gemini on December 13. A Full Moon indicates when some project or venture has run its course. Sky maps always indicate timing and where our attention should be focused. The Signs most affected by this lunation will be Geminis as well as Sagittarians, Pisces and Virgos.

Uranus is the only outer planet that is retrograde since Neptune went direct in motion on November 20. Uranus will go direct on December 29th. When all planets are direct in motion it signals that life is in session and you have better be prepared to do what it takes to move forward with celestial energies.

Since I have been in alcoholism recovery for almost 37 years let me assure you that difficulties are really chances to look at life through a different lens. You may not want to go from one job to another but perhaps it is what is best for you. Being one among millions makes you feel a part of a divine plan rather than the outlier.

When I moved to Sedona in 1983 a lot of people said it was not a wise move. Rather than listen to naysayers, I turned my will and my life over to the care of God. I have been happier and more productive in the land of the beautiful Red Rocks than any place I have ever lived. Since we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving, let us all remember to thank God for our lives and the blessings as well as responsibilities He has given us.

Fire Signs

fireARIES (March 19 – April 18)–Someone gave me a different spin on Aries this weekend which I will share in his name. He was a Vedanta Monk and he had the Moon in Aries. His looking glass had always kept him raring to go even when most people are sleeping. His insight was that an Aries needs to understand that not every cause needs him or her as its Moses. “Even an Aries needs time out and a good night’s sleep,” he added. The best news for you Rams is that Uranus transiting your Sign in direct motion beginning December 29 will allow you to start 2017 with momentum and purpose. This is early news but you deserve some high hope looking ahead.

LEO (July 22 – August 21)–Now for all you big spender Leos, tamp it down a bit. With all the good news for you–Uranus in Aries and Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius as well as Venus in Libra–you might throw around too much dough for Christmas presents. When pay-day for credit cards comes due, you want to be able to have enough for a cup of coffee. No one can be more generous than you lions and lionesses, and no one moans louder when Lady Lick frowns on them than a Leo. Here’s a thought, volunteer at a soup kitchen. Look around to see if you can make a kid’s Holidays brighter with a little help from you. Someone used to say, “Tis better to give than to receive.” Try it.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21 – December 20)–You Archers of the Zodiac are still on assignment to stand still and do and be right where you are. Grass looks greener everywhere else but in drought-ridden California. Saturn in Sagittarius is the toughest lessons you will ever learn for the next 30 years. To many of us Sag is where God lives and where he prepares those born under the Sign to stand and be counted for what is right and righteous. The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 29 will be a restoration of your innate nature to be curious about all things on earth and above. Thank God for life and opportunity to grow.

Earth Signs

earthTAURUS (April 19 – May 19)–Your ruler Venus will be in Capricorn until December 8. As you probably know all earth elements are compatible; Capricorn is earth like you. Earth is known as steadier than, say, air or fire. If you make your tempo slow and deliberate you will know a pay-off in God’s time. I hate to sound like an old-timey preacher but the God of anybody’s understanding or misunderstanding is in charge of outcomes. Some of the best news comes out of left field. But for you earthlings in the Zodiac you will see the fruits of your grind-it-out labors.

VIRGO (August 22 – September 21)–You’ll have a softer landing when Mercury your ruling planet goes retrograde in Capricorn on December 15. And Venus will be in Capricorn until December 9. Don’t rest on your laurels because Saturn is squaring you for a lot longer than you’d like. Neptune will still be opposing you from the sign of Pisces. On top of that, there has been a changing of the Guard in the White House which might benefit all: we can always hope and pray that God is still steering the Ship of State. Don’t fret. Virgos always find a way to figure it out. I suggest revelation instead!

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 18)–May we remind you that you with Pluto in Capricorn until March 24, 2024 you are being given the blueprint for what Aquarius must rebuild when Pluto goes into that sign. It has become apparent with all the unrest in the world that God rules the Upper World and the Supra Ego the Lower World. It is in the Lower World that we lose our appetite for all the folderol and foolishness that Supra Ego entices us with. Social Media is to be viewed as part of that trap unless you are reading and interacting with like Souls who are seeking higher ground. You Goats persevere like no other Sign can and will.

Air Signs

airGEMINI (May 20 – June 19)–It doesn’t take the Mensa sort of astrologist to tell a Gemini that Sagittarius is your opposing sign. This is your time of year to listen and learn from across the aisle in the Zodiac. And your ruling planet, Mercury will go retrograde on December 19 at 15 degrees of Capricorn and go direct at 29 degrees of Sagittarius on January 8, 2017. This is the time to year to lean on your spiritual condition. You are the Zodiac’s super communicator, even when the stars seem to be aligned with difficulty for you. Not the case; it is the difficult times of the year when we must draw from the power of perseverance.

LIBRA (September 22 – October 21)–With Jupiter in Libra for a long time you might be able to glue together some winning hands, in business and in pleasure. You might get your knickers in a bunch when Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn on December 19. Venus in Capricorn until December 7 will also bring challenges you don’t think you need. Hey, it is my early Christmas gift to you by reminding you that you are the fairest sign in the Zodiac and nobody can weigh and balance and come out with 5-star approval like you Librans. Pay attention to soul urge and you will soar this Solar Cycle.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 17)–No Sign can reach for the stars quite like an Aquarian. The New Moon on February 29 will bless your mission and fill you with inspiration and purpose. Be cautious under the Full Moon on December 13. At that time you might want to fold your tent and listen to glorious music like “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen who recently made his transition. What I love about the Water Bearer is his or her commitment to what they see and hear and record. For many of you a promotion is on the horizon. Don’t do anything special. Just show up and say “Yes” or “No’ to the step up.

Water Signs

waterCANCER (June 20 – July 21)–Mercury retrograde in Capricorn beginning December 19 will inspire you to stay home and take care of the home front. Jupiter in Libra, Uranus in Aires and Pluto in Capricorn will seem like you are surrounded by triple trouble. To top it off, Venus will be in Capricorn until December 9. Positive days for you are November 21, 22; November 27, 28; December 6, 7 and December 10, 11; December 14, 15. We have given you the days that your ruler, the Moon, is in signs compatible with Cancers. No sign has a bigger heart than do Cancerians. Be good to you if you want others to do so.

SCORPIO (October 22 – November 20)–The Masters of the Zodiac have everything aligned to let you do what you do best–serve and celebrate the privilege to do so. Venus in Capricorn will be compatible for you until December 8. Mercury will also be in Capricorn beginning December 3. Although Mercury will be in retrograde beginning December 19, until February 18 it will still be in Capricorn. I never pity a Scorpio because no sign has more rebirths in one life than you do. Your intuition will carry you across the finish line unless you are weighted down by a Hermes handbag or a Louis Vuitton briefcase. Whatever you do, think of the bigger picture.

PISCES (February 18 – March 18)–With the long retrograde of your planetary ruler Neptune you must be feeling disconnected and disjointed. Never fear because Neptune went direct on November 20. Soon you will be back in the saddle on the next adventure for which only God has the GPS. Always remember that you need to separate fantasy from reality in order to do what you need to do to get to where you need to go. Fishes are notorious dreamers and make-believe artists. Stay the course of inspiration but keep your feet planted firmly on terra firma.

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NEW! Stay-at-Home Sedona Intensive™

I now use SKYPE to be able to see and be seen by clients as I counsel them. This allows those who choose to stay at home and work through life issues to use a service we are now offering called Stay-at-Home Intensive™. Inquire now, 928-282-4723 or to find out more about this service. This Intensive is spread out over several weeks right from your home rather than the 5-days in Sedona.


The MELT Method is a breakthrough self-treatment technique that restores the fluid state and the supportiveness of the body’s connective tissue to combat chronic pain, improve performance and decrease the accumulated stress caused by everyday living. People find their sleep and digestion also improves. The method uses props…three small balls on your hands and feet and a soft roller for your body.

For more information contact Gail at

“I have benefitted from Gail Bell’s M.E.L.T. expertise for several years. It is amazing what a few small balls and a roller can do to de-stress and rejuvenate the whole body. Gail is a practitioner for my Sedona Intensive clients. Her breath work is miraculous, especially for performance work and acting. If you’re in New York, call her and sign up for a class or private instruction. You will realize a significant change in your body from the first session.”
–Albert Clayton Gaulden, Founding Director, The Sedona Intensive™

Extended Sessions Get You Where You’re Trying to Go

Albert is offering weekly sessions via SKYPE or phone that can serve as a push in
the right direction with strategies to get you there.

From the Blog

The Cave You Fear

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek. This is a brilliant quote from a man many revere as the Father of Mythology, Joseph Campbell. When I read all his books and studied The Power of Myth...

Mutual Reception

When two planets in one’s astrological chart are in the sign of the other, the two planets are said to be in mutual reception. For instance when Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn was in Scorpio...

When you are Down and Out

Compulsions and Addictions may be what are making you antsy, irritable and discontent. Now that we are in the dog days of summer perhaps you may be feeling like you are headed for the dog...

What Our Clients Are Saying About The Sedona Intensive

“The Sedona Intensive was a life changing experience for me. I had been searching for happiness and serenity for over 20 years and as a result of the Intensive I found that I was looking in all the wrong places. I not only experienced what happiness and serenity truly are but now understand the process needed to maintain and enhance that state of being. It doesn’t mean that I don’t experience the ups and downs of life but what it does mean is that those downs do not even come close to impacting me the way they used to. There is now a presence of mind that provides clarity and purpose that did not exist for me prior to the Intensive.

It is impossible to put a value on such a quality of life enhancing experience that the Sedona Intensive provides the person willing to do the work.It is by far the most significant thing I have done in my 62 years.

I came across a quote last week that summed up what I experienced and learned while attending the Sedona Intensive – ‘Once you stop clinging and let things be, you’ll be free’ -Bodhidharma (440ce – 528 ce), the Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma: A Bilingual Edition.”

— Gary, Ontario

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albertTranspersonal psychologist, astro-intuitive, author, lecturer, and founding director of the Sedona Intensive, Albert Clayton Gaulden has influenced countless individuals from all walks of life — actors, athletes, financial specialists, teachers, families, psychologists and psychiatrists — from all corners of the earth — helping them to retrieve their authentic selves and to tap into the inner core of their power. Discover Your Authentic Self with Albert Clayton Gaulden

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Are you at a point in your life where you have more questions than answers?

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